TITLE: Billabong
BRAND: Tourism Australia
MEDIA: Television
Tourism Australia Billabong
Posted by limonadagurl at 10:45 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
[中] Ford New Mondeo
TITLE: 工作篇
TAGLINE: 換算之後,你是否還記得真實的自己
MEDIA: Television
Posted by limonadagurl at 18:11 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
TITLE: Lotto Millionaires
Tagline: Lotto millionaires are not like ordinary millionaires
BRAND: Lotto
MEDIA: Television
Posted by limonadagurl at 18:02 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
Citi Bank
TITLE: Citi Never Sleeps
BRAND: Citi Bank
MEDIA: Television
Posted by limonadagurl at 18:00 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
Is the Ad a Success? The Brain Waves Tell All
This is an article from The New York Times
Published: March 31, 2008
NEVER mind brainstorms. These days, Madison Avenue is all about brain waves.
That may be overstated, but it is no exaggeration that agencies and advertisers are growing more interested in neuroscience in their never-ending efforts to improve effectiveness.
The ardor of the ad business to adopt the technical tools of biometrics — measuring brain waves, galvanic skin response, eye movements, pulse rates and the like — is increasing as consumer spending, the engine of the American economy, slows.
In other words, in hard times ads must work harder to move the merchandise.
“Instead of hypotheses about what people think and feel, you actually see what they think and feel,” said Joel Kades, vice president for strategic planning and consumer insight at Virgin Mobile USA in Warren, N.J.
“I’m not such a huge fan of ad testing,” he added, but measuring biological responses is “absolutely useful.”
The curiosity about neuroscientific ways to determine how ads work — or fail to work — will be on display this week at the 54th annual convention and exposition of the Advertising Research Foundation. The agenda for the conference is filled with presentations on better methods to determine how consumers engage with ads (and vice versa).
“In many ways, we’re testing advertising the way we were testing advertising when I was at Procter & Gamble 22 years ago,” said Frank Stagliano, executive vice president for the Nielsen Entertainment Television Group in New York, part of the Nielsen Company.
Neuroscience can provide “a more accurate way to understand what consumers really like,” Mr. Stagliano said, which helps to produce ads and programs that “break through the clutter” rather than contribute to it.
Last month, Nielsen bought a stake in NeuroFocus, a company that specializes in brain-wave research and works for clients like Scottrade, the brokerage firm.
“We measure attention, second by second; how emotionally engaged you are with what you’re watching, whether it’s a commercial, a movie or a TV show; and memory retention,” said A. K. Pradeep, chief executive at NeuroFocus in Berkeley, Calif.
A company that competes with NeuroFocus, the EmSense Corporation, hopes to demonstrate such usefulness in a discussion on Monday at the research foundation’s convention.
Executives of EmSense, which also tries to measure consumer response to ads through biometric techniques, will present the results of a study of how award-winning ads.
For the study, EmSense surveyed 200 people, ages 18 to 54, in New York and San Francisco. The study measured their biosensory responses to 19 commercials that won awards last year at the International Advertising Festival in Cannes, France, and ads that won Effie Awards last year from the New York the American Marketing Association.
The study looked at spots like a commercial for Apple with characters playing “PC” and “Mac”; the “I Feel Pretty” spot for Nike, with Maria Sharapova, and a commercial for Tide with a talking stain on a man’s shirt.
On Madison Avenue, Cannes awards, known as Lions, are usually perceived as honoring creativity and Effie winners are typically deemed to reward effectiveness. The EmSense study sought to weigh the value of those emotional and cognitive approaches.
Some findings reinforced the conventional wisdom, said Elissa Moses, chief analytics officer at EmSense in Westport, Conn., which works for clients like Virgin Mobile USA and Coca-Cola.
Winners of Effies “tend to be a little less emotional and use rational claims a bit more” than winners at Cannes, Ms. Moses said, and ads that won Lions tended to be much better liked than their Effie counterparts.
But surprisingly, “there are very important similarities” between the two types of winners, she added, which can help guide future campaigns.
Fifteen of the 19 Cannes and Effie winners engaged consumers faster than average spots, Ms. Moses said. “Typically, a spot engages with viewers in 5 to 7 seconds. The Cannes and Effie ads engaged, whether emotionally or cognitively, in 1.5 seconds.”
Whichever award the commercials won, they had an equal effect on purchase consideration and on brand favorability, Ms. Moses said.
Although winners of Lions are replete with emotional appeals meant to engage viewers, they also use what Ms. Moses called a “cognitive jolt,” a twist or surprise, to earn interest.
For example, viewers were startled by a car crash in a Volkswagen spot and by a dropped call in a Cingular ad.
Some consumer advocates question the role of biometrics in ad research. They worry that blending “Weird Science” with “Mad Men” will give marketers an unfair advantage over consumers.
“The role of neuromarketing is to understand how people feel and react,” Ms. Moses said. “It in no way sets out to meddle with normal, natural response mechanisms.”
Her opinion was echoed by Robert E. Knight, the director of the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at the University of California, Berkeley, who is also the chief science adviser at NeuroFocus.
“We’re not trying to predict an individual’s thoughts and actions and we’re not trying to input messages,” Dr. Knight said.
Before Nielsen teamed up with NeuroFocus, Mr. Stagliano said, “we were concerned how people would respond,” but after a test at the CBS Television City research laboratory in Las Vegas, the reaction was “overwhelmingly positive.”
“Respondents didn’t feel like they were being probed or anything,” Mr. Stagliano said.
Posted by limonadagurl at 07:26 0 comments
Labels: Ad Talk
Taiwanese Convinence Store
TITLE: 公仔系列
BRAND: 全家便利商店
MEDIA: Television
AGENCY: Ogilvy, Taipei
This is sooo cute!!! Although the commercial doesn't have too much to do with the brand since everyone knows this brand. However, they are introducing this new promotion (they are giving out those toys on the top) with funny activities. The audio is talking about praying to those different kind of Gods, you will get good jobs, good paid, good exam result, good love relationship...etc.
You can also see the rest of series here at Peppermint's blog, including another one and the blooper(they made it on purpose) one.
Many people said the idea is from a popular Japanese exercise, Algorithm March.
I don't think they seem too much alike. Hehe...
Posted by limonadagurl at 13:18 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
Moscow's Gmail Commercial
BRAND: Gmail
MEDIA: Television
This is sooooooo cool!!! Although we all know Google and its Gmail, this commercial makes you feel Gmail can do amazing stuff!
Posted by limonadagurl at 09:07 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
Morning Breath
TITLE: Morning Breath
BRAND: Dentiste Toothpaste
MEDIA: Television
COUNTRY: Thailand
I think I've probably seen this kind of idea before, but this one is cute!
Posted by limonadagurl at 08:09 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
Zoo York
(image from I Believe in Advertising)
Posted by limonadagurl at 09:00 0 comments
Labels: Print Ad
At first I didn't really get the commercial. What does pregnancy or goldfish have anything to do with computer software? But when I watched it twice, I got it! LOL! It's brilliant!! Short and sweet! Just like the files compressor!
StuffIt Deluxe Website
Posted by limonadagurl at 00:04 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
[中] 幸福一定保
TITLE: 幸福一定保
BRAND: 謝長廷競選文宣
MEDIA: Television
AGENCY: 謝長廷競選文宣
I don't want to get political here but it is very rare to see a good quality election commercial in Taiwan. It is always about putting the opponent down or brag about himself/herself. However, this commercial is different. I like the end twist. It is humorous.
Posted by limonadagurl at 14:07 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
TITLE: Animal
BRAND: Sprint
MEDIA: Television
AGENCY: Ogilvy & Mather, New York
Award: London International Awards Television/Cinema SILVER Winners
Posted by limonadagurl at 23:27 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
Japanese Milk Commercial
Full of imagination!!
Posted by limonadagurl at 20:27 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
In the Motherhood SECOND SEASON
Remember I had an article from AdWeek about In the Motherhood? I guess this mini series was a big hit and they are having their second season now! This time they added Jenny McCarthy to the series. It's pretty funny even for non-moms like me!
Posted by limonadagurl at 03:24 0 comments
Labels: Ad Talk
Walk softly and carry a big checkbook
Article [Walk softly and carry a big checkbook] from [Furtune Magazine]
Forget Google. The real king of advertising is a mild-mannered 58-year-old media buyer.
By Jessi Hempel, writer
February 4 2008: 4:47 PM EST
(Fortune Magazine) -- It wasn't long ago that the ad biz was ruled by black-clad creative types who could charm an old lady into dropping her last $10 on a jar of get-younger cream. But those days are over. Now, with digital media at the center of the action - Google, Facebook, Microsoft's blockbuster bid for Yahoo - it's all about numbers. And one bookish media buyer is king. His name is Irwin Gotlieb. But we might just as well call him the $59 billion man.
Last year the CEO of media-buying shop GroupM, a division of the ad conglomerate WPP Group (WPPGY), quietly directed more than 16% of the world's $364 billion in global ad expenditures. He not only understands media better than most; he has the power to sway the industry to his vision. And lately that vision entails old media taking lessons from the web. "Say you want to sell grapefruit," he says over an egg-white omelet at London's Four Seasons, where he keeps an extra set of clothes for regular visits. To move a lot of citrus in the traditional way, he explains, you'd buy a spot on "Grey's Anatomy" or run an ad in Vogue, making behavioral assumptions and inferences built on viewer demographics. But in the digital world, ad buyers don't need to assume anything; they have data to work with. Online marketers track actual behavior, so instead of buying a type of audience, they can buy a click, an inquiry, or even a sale. Every time consumers take such an action, it becomes part of their "clickstream," which follows them around the web. This information trail gives marketers an increasingly sophisticated idea about each of us, allowing them to craft an ever more tailored online experience.
Posted by limonadagurl at 03:18 0 comments
Labels: Ad Talk
Fav SB Ads: MacBook Air
BRAND: Apple
MEDIA: Television
AGENCY: TBWA\Chiat\Day, Los Angeles
Shown time at Superbowl: Pre-game
I really like Chiat\Day's Mac ads! They are all really simple but to the point! You don't need to say a million good thing about the product. Just one strong one and you will sell it!
This is a funny parody. Yeah. Mac is good but way too expensive!
Posted by limonadagurl at 21:15 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
Fav SB Ads: Verizon
TITLE: Dominos
BRAND: Verizon
MEDIA: Television
AGENCY: McCann Erickson, NY
Shown time at Superbowl: Pre-game
This is very cool and I like how it uses not just dominos to be cool but also show the product features at the same time. A lot of ads lost it.
Posted by limonadagurl at 10:36 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
Fav SB Ads: Lexus
TITLE: Maneuvers
BRAND: Lexus
MEDIA: Television
AGENCY: Team One, El Segundo
Shown time at Superbowl: Pre-game
I love how they use opera as the background to make a obvious contrast. At the end, they said, "while other cars encouraged you to do it, that doesn't mean you should try." I think they really pointed out how great the function of the car. I am sure a lot of car fanatic would love that car.
Posted by limonadagurl at 10:33 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
Fav SB Ads: Dell
TITLE: Out of the Old
MEDIA: Television
AGENCY: Mother, NY
Shown time at Superbowl: Pre-game
I never really noticed any good Dell commercial but this one really caught my eyes. They are not just selling a computer. They are making art, which people don't think Dell fit to do that. Although I don't know explosion has anything to do with computers nor I like Dell's laptop(it's cheap and it doesn't have repair shop in Taiwan), but I like this ad.
Posted by limonadagurl at 10:29 0 comments
Labels: Ad Watch
[中字幕]Japanese Fanta Commercial
This is hilarious! Using different teachers as different characters to create students' need for relax. I think a lot of students can relate to it!
Posted by limonadagurl at 05:24 0 comments
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