
iPOD Touch Ad by Student

Ad Produced by Student

The Actual Ad Aired on TV

(Article from New York Times)
A Consumer’s Spot for Apple Grows Up

By STUART ELLIOTT Published: October 31, 2007
THE idea that you do not have to be a professional to create a good commercial is becoming widespread, in a trend known as consumer-generated content. Leave it to Apple to — paraphrasing the company’s old slogan a bit — think differently.

A television commercial for the new iPod Touch from Apple, which began running on Sunday, was created by the longtime Apple agency TBWA/Chiat/Day. But it is based on a commercial that an 18-year-old student in Britain — an Apple devotee named Nick Haley, who says he got his first Macintosh when he was 3 — created on his own one day last month.
His spot offers a fast-paced tour of the abilities of the iPod Touch, set to a song titled “Music Is My Hot, Hot Sex” by a Brazilian band, CSS.
Mr. Haley said he had been inspired to make the commercial by a lyric in the song, “My music is where I’d like you to touch.”
He based the visual elements on video clips about the iPod Touch and other new products, he said, which can be seen on the Apple Web site (apple.com). He uploaded his commercial to YouTube, where it received four stars out of a possible five and comments that ranged from “That’s awesome,” followed by 16 exclamation points, to “Makes me want to buy one and hack it.”

Late last week, Mr. Haley’s spot had been viewed 2,131 times on youtube.com. Among the viewers, Apple executives said, were marketing employees at Apple in Cupertino, Calif., who asked staff members on the Apple account at TBWA/Chiat/Day to get in touch with Mr. Haley about producing a professional version of the commercial (which, truth be told, had the same look and feel as many of Apple’s other ads).
“I was sitting on the bus and I got this e-mail on my phone,” Mr. Haley, a native of Warwick, England, said in an interview last week from the University of Leeds, where he is a “fresher,” or first-year student.
The message said, “‘We represent Apple and we’ve seen what you have produced and we’d like a chat with you,’” Mr. Haley recalled, adding: “This seemed ridiculous and far-fetched. My initial reaction was, someone wanted to steal it.”
He was soon persuaded that the message was real and traveled to Los Angeles in October, in his first visit to the United States, to work on a broadcast-ready version of his spot with creative executives at TBWA/Chiat/Day, part of the TBWA Worldwide division of the Omnicom Group.
Consumers creating commercials “is part of this brave new world we live in,” said Lee Clow, chairman and chief creative officer at TBWA Worldwide, based in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Playa del Rey.
“It’s an exciting new format for brands to communicate with their audiences,” Mr. Clow said. “People’s relationship with a brand is becoming a dialogue, not a monologue.”
The commercial based on Mr. Haley’s spot was seen on football games Sunday afternoon and on shows that night, including “Desperate Housewives” and Game 4 of the World Series. It is also to be shown in Europe and Japan.
Apple paid for Mr. Haley’s expenses while he stayed in Los Angeles, said an Apple spokesman, Steve Dowling, and also “compensated him like any creative professional, for his idea and his contributions to the creative process.”
Although Mr. Dowling declined to say how much Mr. Haley had been paid, he said the company would also be “making a significant financial contribution toward his education at Leeds” and — at Mr. Haley’s request — giving him Apple products like a MacBook Pro laptop.
YouTube visitors have flocked to watch Mr. Haley’s original spot (youtube.com/watch?v=KKQUZPqDZb0) since the professional version began running on TV. As of yesterday, viewings had grown to more than 490,000.
As for how faithful the professional spot is to Mr. Haley’s amateur version, Mr. Clow said, “we didn’t mess with his content” because “it has a charm to it, a youthful fun.”

The changes include more polished editing and filming the new version in high definition.
“My input was totally respected,” Mr. Haley said, adding that he considered the agency’s commercial “pretty similar” to the original.
The experience of working with the agency executives was “overwhelming, surreal and fantastic, all in one,” said Mr. Haley, who is studying politics at Leeds.
“This is my first taste” of advertising, he added, but offered a thoughtful response when asked what it means if consumers like him are willing to make commercials.
“That’s the whole point of advertising; it needs to get to the user,” Mr. Haley said. “If you get the user to make the ads, who better?”
As heartily as Mr. Clow endorsed the concept of user-generated content, he suggested that turnabout is fair play.
At TBWA, “we’re producing films we put on YouTube that we make in a day and a half in the parking lot,” he said, laughing.


[中] 新安東京海上產險


本文節錄至 [唐先生帶你看廣告]的[驚驚不敢去撞牆,創意力道怎會強?─談新安東京海上產物保險〈古裝篇〉TVC ]




本文節錄至 [動腦新聞]的[【調查報告】「限量」的魔力]
作者 : TNS模範市場研究公司 更新時間 : 2007/10/29 10:10:04

(Brain.com 台北 2007-10-29)幾個月前,百貨公司祭出的限量名牌環保包,還沒開賣就吸引上百民眾徹夜守候。究竟「限量商品」有甚麼誘人魔力,能讓消費者甘願徹夜排隊也要搶購入手?是為了它的實用性?還是為了它的「限量」兩個字?它是限量生產真的會讓你在別人眼中與眾不同嗎?根據動腦雜誌協同TNS模範市場研究公司,透過EmailCash進行的調查顯示,「與眾不同、引人注目、緊貼時尚潮流」,就是消費者眼中擁有「限量商品」的最大利益。






本調查是TNS模範市場研究顧問公司於2007年10月17日~10月23日間,透過EmailCash台灣電子郵件市調網合作執行「台灣民眾對於限量商品的觀感」調查,透過6th Dimension網路調查方式收集資料。研究對象為台灣15-54歲的網路使用者,有效樣本共23,934份。

[中] 廣告死了?還只是在睡覺?

本文節錄至 [動腦新聞]的[廣告死了?還只是在睡覺?]

作者 : 王彩雲 更新時間 : 2007/10/25 09:54:01

【2007亞洲廣告大會系列報導4】現任JoongAng Ibo顧問O Young Lee表示,現在是使用者創作內容,消費者參與的時代。當廣告不一定能揣測消費者的購物心態而成效不彰,廣告公司該怎麼做?

(Brain.com 韓國濟州 2007-10-25)濟州亞洲廣告大會10月24日第三天的演講,討論當今劇烈的行銷革命正打破過去的規則,廣告死了,還是只是在睡覺?廣告公司要趕快改變,還是走向死亡?

  曾任韓國文化部長,現任JoongAng Ibo顧問O Young Lee 表示,現在是使用者創作內容,消費者參與的時代,傳統媒體逐漸崩解,廣告也將結束,未來五年會出現新的局面,電視廣告15%會由使用者創作,25%的廣告會在電腦中觀看,口碑行銷會越來越受重視。

  O Young Lee強調,今年八月美國寶僑P&G為旗下的衛生紙Charmin做行銷時,花了行銷費用在時代廣場及百老匯附近搭建20間廁所,讓消費者親自體驗P&G衛生紙的品質。O Young Lee表示,傳統的電視廣告是幫助消費者探索品牌,而現在P&G希望讓消費者直接體驗品牌。透過體驗行銷,到目前為止,寶僑Charmin衛生紙已有42.5萬人體驗過,雖然比電視廣告所接觸消費者的人數少,但是透過這些體驗過的人所製作的內容,一個月有2000萬人上網談論這個品牌。


  The Future of Advertising:New Clints, New Media, New Consumer一書的作者,也是前廣告時代Adertising Age發行人Joe Cappo則表示,從這兩年新聞媒體的標題中可看到幾項變化:美國傳統媒體的廣告量在下降、成長最快的媒體是促進購買的購買者行銷Shopper Marketing、Google在銷售無線電視台的廣告、大啤酒廠商刪除了電視廣告預算銷售卻有增無減。

  因此Joe Cappo的觀察是,許多技術日新月異,新產品也越來越多,市場上的新競爭者不斷出現,更多產品國際化,消費者也在變化,零售通路影響廣告,廣告客戶卻逐漸消失,過去廣告公司賴以維生的佣金制度也在改變當中。因此廣告是死了,還是只是在睡覺?答案由廣告公司自己決定。

  針對廣告會不會死?幾位參加這次大會台灣廣告經營者各有各的看法。貝立德媒體服務公司總經理菅波剛表示,廣告不會死,但是要改變經營的方式。安吉斯媒體集團總經理楊淑鈴認為,廣告公司應該要改變工作流程與組織型態,因應消費者及客戶的改變。IAA理事長蘇雄指出,廣告公司應該打破過去有創意部業務部的分工方式,而是設立溝通企劃Communication Planner或溝通指導Communication Director,主動為客戶找出和消費者接觸點,用創意在接觸點打動消費者的心。而創意人員應拋棄過去優先想電視廣告影片的習慣,要為任何消費者的接觸點想創意。

[中] 公益行銷風潮


作者 : Brain.com記者 莊守禾 更新時間 : 2007/10/29 10:12:35







RedKen: Urban Experiment

(Article is from MediaPost:Media Creativity)

Spin The Hair Product Bottle
By Amy Corr, Monday, October 29, 2007

Redken put a twist on the game Spin the Bottle in support of its Urban Experiment line of hair products.

Six trendy people, whose hairstyles give each an uninhibited look, greet visitors on the UrbanExperiment.com home page. Visitors spin a hair product bottle; after it lands on one of the trendy folks, users are brought to a new page that suggests a daring act to be committed, playing off the campaign's "Dare to Experiment" theme. Each dare coincides with a different Urban Experiment styling product.

Some dares are attainable, such as "give a lottery ticket to a stranger," "paint a mural on your wall," "try on something you could never afford" and "throw a ouija party."

"Read a dictionary on the train" and "hop the next flight out of here" are other possibilities, but I'm not lugging a backbreaking book on the train -- and I'm only hopping on that flight if my paycheck remains unaffected.

Visitors can read actual testimonials from people who didn't necessarily use the Redken products, but completed a dare. There's also an email section to challenge a friend to a dare.

Digital Pulp created the site that targets a hip, high-fashion demographic in an edgy, fashion-forward style.

The four product offerings -- velvet gelatine, enamel gel, grit wax and nylon clay -- are described by their ingredients, style, texture and fragrance.

Each product is also defined like a dictionary definition, where pronunciation and definition is given.

Nylon Clay, for example, "spins hair into twisted twines with subdued luster. Weave and spin through damp hair for twisted twines," says the definition.

The company also partnered with email newsletter Flavorpill to create a reality Webisode series called "Out of Town."

The Webisodes star contest-winning urbanites as they seek out art and cultural experiences in rural America. The first episode features two New York City girls experiencing small-town life in Kutztown, Pa. Think "The Simple Life" with non-celebs.

Amy Corr is managing editor, online newsletters for MediaPost. She can be reached at amyc@mediapost.com.



看到了 重灌狂人味噌湯加貢丸,蚵仔煎加蛋不加蚵仔!。 這篇,真的很好笑!





Ad Watch- Buenos Aires Zoo

BRAND: Buenos Aires Zoo
MEDIA: Television
COUNTRY: Argentina
AGENCY: Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi

It is cute and make the zoo very welcoming! I wish I can go there at night!

Ad Watch- Citroën

TITLE: Rubik's Cube
BRAND: Citroën
MEDIA: Television

Pretty cool visual affect and very creative for a car ad!

Ad Watch- Bud Light

TITLE: Opera
BRAND: Bud Light
MEDIA: Television

Always Worth it! Always have Bud Light type of humor!